BioEngineering Summer opportunity
For graduate students
IRES PROGRAM ON AUTONOMY IN NATURAL ENVIRONMENTS (for graduate students): Participants will study autonomous mobility in complex natural environments based on flying and gliding rainforest animals with the help of an interdisciplinary mentor network located in Korea, Singapore, and Brunei. Students will get an opportunity throughout the program to participate in professional development opportunities for IRES scholars and their mentors, led by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). The 13-week summer program will start with an orientation week at the Virginia Tech campus followed by a modular sequence of setup with an engineering mentor at either KAIST or the National University of Singapore (NUS), a biology immersion in Borneo at the University of Brunei (UBD), and finally a data analysis/engineering integration module at KAIST. The program will cover all cost and pay a $5000 fellowship to each participant. Participants must be US-citizens/Greencard holders and graduate students. An application package consisting of CV, research statement (1 page), and unofficial transcript should be emailed to Two letters of reference should also be emailed directly to this address.
Program Website:
Program Twitter:
Posted: February 27, 2020, 11:04 AM