Were you in LSAMP as an undergrad?
Have you earned a bachelor’s degree in STEM?
Do you want to go to graduate school?
The UMBC Bridge to the Doctorate Program may be exactly what you are looking for!
Benefits include:
- $32,000 / Year Stipend
- Health Insurance
- Full Tuition
- Cohort of 12 BD Fellows
- Peer Mentoring
- Graduate Student Organizations
Professional Development
- Individual Holistic Adviising
- Workshops and Training
- Research and Scholarly Activity
The UMBC BD Program will support 12 BD Fellows to pursue their graduate degrees.
UMBC BD Flyer 2025

The University System of Maryland’s Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Bridge to the Doctorate (LSAMP BD) Program, honors the life and legacy of Congressman Louis Stokes (February 23, 1925 – August 18, 2015), for whom the LSAMP program is named. Stokes was the first African-American congressman in Ohio. He was a champion for social and economic justice, received awards for his work on racial and ethnic diversity, and advocated for expanding opportunities to those who are underrepresented. The USM BD program salutes Louis Stokes. The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Bridge to the Doctorate BD Program at UMBC received its first award for 12 fellows in 2005. UMBC’s LSAMP BD program is part of the University System of Maryland’s program, and alternates proposal years with the University of Maryland College Park, and the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. More from UMBC on Louis Stokes here:
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