PROVIDES Program @ UT Southwestern
Postdoctoral opportunity
UT Southwestern is launching a new postdoctoral fellows program called the PROVIDES Program. PROVIDES stands for Provost’s Initiative for Diverse Emerging Scholars.
The PROVIDES program is focused on increasing the diversity of the postdoctoral community at UT Southwestern and, importantly, supporting the successful transition of these postdoctoral fellows into independent faculty positions. We are seeking qualified early-career scientists who have recently earned their PhD degree or who will earn their PhD degree prior to the start of the PROVIDES program with the goal of pursuing research and training that will lead to the successful pursuit of a tenure-track faculty position. Applicants will be selected on their intellectual strengths, research experiences, and career goals, as well as their ability to enrich the demographic and intellectual diversity at UT Southwestern.
PROVIDES fellows will begin their appointment at UT Southwestern between June 1 and September 1, 2020.
Additional information, including information on the application process, can be found at
This program is being directed by Dr. Russell DeBose-Boyd and Dr. Nancy Street
Posted: February 21, 2020, 9:29 AM