Identifying Funding Sources for Postdocs September 14 @ UMB Campus

Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017
9 a.m. – 10 a.m.
685 W. Baltimore Street, Medical School Teaching Facility (MSTF) Building, Room 316
The Graduate School, The Office of Postdoctoral Scholars (OPS), The Office of Research Career Development and the PROMISE Program at University of Maryland Baltimore (UMB) Campus extend an invitation to all the Postdoctoral Fellows and Associates to attend this event.
This interactive workshop, given by Stacie Mendoza, Research Support Specialist, will assist postdocs in identifying non-NIH sources of funding for their research. Topics will include:
* Comprehensive introduction to various funding resources, including searchable databases and useful websites
* Interactive demonstration using funding databases
* Helpful tips for identifying sources of funding
The mission of Office of Postdoctoral Scholars (OPS) is to enrich the training experiences and long-range outcomes of our Postdoctoral Researchers by: fostering a sense of community, new collaborations and providing industry leading research training support and career development opportunities. Our institution recognizes the valuable contributions made to the research enterprise and intellectual community by our Postdoctoral Researchers. The Office of Postdoctoral Scholars is dedicated to providing each postdoc and the faculty that mentor them the support they need to succeed.
We are proud members of the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA).
Organized by Office for Research Career Development
For more information about PROMISE AGEP-T at UMB please see:
Please register!!!
This event will have place at UMB campus. Parking is not provided.
Posted: September 7, 2017, 12:15 PM