Dean Casper (CAHSS) asks students to apply to Mellon Conf.
Humanities/ Social Sci. Conf. Nov. 2017; Submit by: 8/1
Call for Papers
Mellon Emerging Scholars Conference
“Sustaining Diverse and Inclusive Communities”
Thanks to generous support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Queens College has undertaken a three-year project led by faculty and students to advance understanding and formulate plans of action that foster diversity and inclusion in urban communities and higher education. As part of this, the College will host a two-day conference to showcase research by emerging scholars in the humanities and social sciences.
The two-day conference will be held on November 13-14, 2017, on the Queens College campus located in the heart of the world’s most diverse urban place. Our students hail from 150 different countries and speak 70 different languages. The conference will afford ample opportunities for interdisciplinary exchange and contribute to the professional development of the emerging scholars who participate as well as for students and faculty from across CUNY. A special reception for undergraduates, held on the first evening of the conference, will provide them a chance to meet and talk with conference presenters and attendees to learn more about shared fields of interest and careers in higher education. Conference proceedings will be broadcast via the web and also captured for later podcasts, thus amplifying their impact. Publication of selected papers as a book is also planned. Finally, time will be set aside for interviews arranged in advance of the conference for open faculty positions at Queens College and other CUNY campuses to take advantage of this recruitment opportunity to enhance faculty diversity.
Scholars, especially those in the early stage of their career, are invited to propose papers no more than 30 minutes in length. While limited travel and accommodation support will be provided, participants are encouraged to solicit funding support from their home institutions.
Learn more about the conference by go to:
Learn more about Queens College by going to:
Please send a 250-word proposal and CV to:
Mellon Conference Program Committee
c/o Michael Wolfe, Dean of Social Sciences
Deadline: August 15, 2017
Posted: May 24, 2017, 4:25 PM