Spring 2017 Events & Reminders for LSAMP BD Fellows @UMBC
Mark your calendars. These activities are mandatory for BDs
Jan. 31, 2017
Dear BDs,
Welcome back to the Spring 20117 Semester! I was happy to see many of you on Saturday, and thank you to those who have been meeting with me this week.
I would like to clarify some of the expectations for Spring 2017. We are looking for your participation in the following events.
These need responses ASAP:
- PROMISE Research Symposium at College Park
- Your only choice at this point is a poster. Erica has a Lightning Round Talk, and all other oral slots are taken.
- Your abstracts are due today (Your intent to present was due in December.) Since you need to send something in today, send a message to promisestaff@gmail.com with your intent to get the information in no later than 2/6/17.
- Yes, your poster must cover work that you did in graduate school (a class, a concept, a rotation).
- Please send in the necessary information.
- To date, the only students who do not have to do anything related to GRC are our 3MT participants: Erica, BreAsia, Kevin, and Marilyn.
- Yes, you may use the same poster that you use for the 2017 PROMISE Research Symposium for the 2017 GRC.
Note that we need all BDs to participate. BDs who are currently being funded by NSF LSAMP BD are required to participate because it is mandated by the grant. Failure to participate will jeopardize your funding. The LSAMP BD funding is a professional development fellowship.
Additional professional development trips:
- Fri. Feb. 10: Salisbury: https://promiseagep.com/2016/12/23/feb-10-2017-women-in-stem-forum-at-salisbury-university/. You do not have to present for this session. Some of the BDs will be panelists. You will be asked to talk with the undergrads in a mentoring capacity.
- Tues. April 18: UMES: https://promiseagep.com/2016/12/13/april-17-2017-8th-annual-regional-research-symposium-2017/. You do not have to present for this session. Some of the BDs will be judges/moderators. You will be asked to talk with the undergrads in a mentoring capacity.
- You will be able to put both of these events on your CV as "Peer Mentor, ______title of event___, ____location____, via NSF PROMISE: Maryland's AGEP and the LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate Program."
Events coming to UMBC:
- Dr. Hrabowski's talk: March 1. We need you to be up front.
- Career Seminar: April 5, 2017.
PROMISE SSI & LSAMP Math Institute: August 18-20, 2017.
Best regards,
Renetta Tull
Posted: January 31, 2017, 2:18 PM