Summer Professional Development Workshops 2016
You are invited to join schools within the PROMISE AGEP for Summer Professional Development Workshops 2016. While some events limit enrollment to students within their respective institutions, others are open to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and alumni from any school.
Most of the events below have specific RSVP links. Please use the respective links or email addresses as listed. If you are interested in attending one of the sessions at UMBC, but are a student/postdoc/alum from another school, you may state your intent in the comment section of this website, by noting your 1) name, 2) school, 3) email address, and 4) the workshop of interest. Please follow the sample template in the comment section.

- UMBC DISSERTATION HOUSE: TUESDAY, JULY 5 – FRIDAY, JULY 8. – Dissertation House @ UMBC will be held from July 5 to July 8, 9 am to 5 pm, in the Commons Building, Room 329. Application process (Extended, please apply): [Note: If you are working on your proposal, you may apply.] UMBC’s students should apply for this Dissertation House at UMBC. This event is limited to students from UMBC, and pending space, available to select students from other campuses who have participated in Dissertation Houses in the past, and have had consultations with Dissertation Coach, Dr. Wendy Carter-Veale. This event is open to UMBC’s students from all backgrounds, and all disciplines (CAHSS, COEIT, and CNMS.)
- UM COLLEGE PARK DISSERTATION RETREAT: MONDAY, JULY 18 – FRIDAY, JULY 22. College Park has a Dissertation Retreat July 18-22 for their students. If you are a student at College Park, you may participate in this event: Contact Christopher Perez,, for inquiries. Unless otherwise noted, this event is only open to students who are enrolled at the UM College Park.
- UMB DISSERTATION BOOTCAMP: TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 – THURSDAY, AUGUST 18. UMB has a Dissertation Bootcamp on August 16-18 for their students. UMB’s students must have the approval of their dissertation advisor to participate, and must contact UMB also has the Summer “Writing Accountability Groups (WAGs).” These in-person sessions are available to students to students from UMB, and with UMB research affiliations. Contact LaNette Parson,, for inquiries. Unless otherwise noted, these events are limited to students enrolled at UMB, and students who have affiliated research at UMB.
- ALL SCHOOLS: Starting JULY 1, 2016. If you are a student from a school that does not have an in-person event, or if you are a student where there is an in-person event and you can’t attend on your school’s designated date, please join us for the “2016 Dissertation House ONLINE.” You will be able to blog daily, and work along with others who are attending the Dissertation House in-person. You can participate in the Dissertation House ONLINE from any location in the world. The Dissertation House online does not have any space limits. Invite friends to join. This Dissertation House experience is open to students from all disciplines, all backgrounds, any school.
- USM: Dissertation House at the SSI, AUGUST 18-19, 2016. The Dissertation House at the SSI is open to students from schools within that University System of Maryland who are in STEM fields, and are part of the NSF’s efforts for broadening participation. Details for this event are available through the 2016 SSI’s website. If you are an alumnus of a USM institution, but are completing graduate work at another institution and/or if you are part of one of the other 10 AGEPs in the nation, you may be eligible, pending space: e.g., completed a B.S. in Chemistry at Salisbury, working on a Ph.D. at the University of Michigan and are part of the Michigan AGEP.
These events are open to anyone who is interested, from any institution. If you don’t have an account with MyUMBC, please page down to the comment section and follow the registration instructions.
- WEDNESDAY, JULY 6 & THURSDAY, JULY 7. (For Grad Students & Postdocs) – Writing for Publication Workshop: From July 6 to July 7, 9 am – 5 pm, – Commons 331. For those working on publications, papers, applications, grants: Please join this writing space. We will provide the work space, breakfast, and lunch. RSVP: [This event will include a goal-setting session, tips for writing, mini-lectures, and time for writing.]
- WEDNESDAY, JULY 6. (For Grad Students & Postdocs) – Understanding Impact Factor: A mini lecture seminar held on July 6, 9:30 am to 12 pm, Commons 331. The speaker, Dr. Kevin Omland, Professor of Biological Sciences, will be talking about how the publications are ranked. RSVP here: [Students who register for the July 6 & 7 “Writing Workshop, listed above, are automatically participants in this session.]
- THURSDAY, JULY 7. (For Grad Students & Postdocs) – Avoid the False Demon of Perfection: “Writing for Publication” seminar. It will be held on July 7, 1 pm to 3 pm, in the Commons 331. The speaker, Dr. Kevin Omland, has more than 50 publications, that have been cited more than 3000 times. RSVP here: [Students who register for the July 6 & 7 “Writing Workshop, listed above, are automatically participants in this session.]
- FRIDAY, JULY 8. (For Postdocs) –The Aspirational CV: This workshop will be held on July 8, 9 am to 11 am, in Commons 331. The speaker will be Dr. Autumn Reed, from the Office of the Provost at UMBC. Dr. Reed is the Director of STRIDE, Coordinator for ADVANCE and for Faculty Diversity. Unlike the traditional approach that is often used to create your Curriculum Vitae based on your past experiences, this session on “The Aspirational CV” will provide insights and a different perspective toward building your Curriculum Vitae in a way that can lead to your dream career position. RSVP: (Advanced graduate students may register.)
- FRIDAY, JULY 8. (For Postdocs) – Mirror the Mentor: This workshop will be held on July 8, 1 pm to 3 pm, in Commons 331. The speaker, Dr. Renetta Tull, will talk about understanding how your mentor views your work, taking as a central point “reversing” the letter of recommendation, and the Individual Development Plan (IDP). RSVP: (Advanced graduate students may register.)
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Posted: June 4, 2016, 9:13 PM