Faculty Diversity and You. Fri. Feb. 12, 2016, 1:30 PM #ThinkBigDiversity
This Friday, Feb. 12, 2016, as part of the 2016 Annual PROMISE Research and Professional Development Symposium, there will be a 2 hour workshop that is specifically dedicated to discussing faculty diversity in STEM. Dr. Nancy Shapiro, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the University System of Maryland will bring the opening remarks, and the keynote speaker will be ACE Fellow and TED speaker, Dr. Talithia Williams, Mathematics Professor, from Harvey Mudd College in California. Following Dr. Williams’ talk, Dr. Autumn Reed, Director of STRIDE at UMBC (the Committee on Strategies and Tactics for Recruiting to Improve Diversity and Excellence) will lead facilitate a faculty diversity round table discussion that will involve graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty mentors. The round tables, sponsored by UMBC STRIDE, will feature faculty who will talk candidly about faculty diversity, provide details about the faculty hiring process, and share strategies for preparing to become a competitive faculty candidate. Some of the faculty will be looking for future candidates for the faculty. As an example, one of the guests, Dr. Ron Metoyer, Associate Professor and Assistant Dean of Diversity and Special Initiatives, from the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, is being sponsored by the College of Engineering at Notre Dame, and hopes to build relationships with students and postdocs that will inspire them to apply for the ongoing open positions at Notre Dame.
PROMISE AGEP-T Professional Development Workshop:
A Forum on Faculty Diversity in STEM
Friday, February 12, 2016
Rever Room – Alumni Hall, Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center, The University of Maryland College Park
7801 Alumni Drive, College Park, MD 20742
Stadium Drive Parking Garage (digital pay stations), next to the Riggs Building, $3/hour
1:30 – 3:30 PM
Welcoming Remarks: Dr. Nancy Shapiro, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the University System of Maryland, Chair of the William E. Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation. Dr. Shapiro is the author of “Powerful Pedagogy: Learning Communities at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and “Learning Communities: Renewing a Commitment to Civic Engagement,” in J.A. Galura et al (Eds.) Engaging the Whole of Service-Learning, Diversity, and Learning Communities. Ann Arbor: OCSL Press, University of Michigan, 20-25. Dr. Shapiro participated as a speaker for the PROMISE Research Symposium in 2015, and was a special guest for the Fall 2015 PROMISE workshop for STEM faculty.
Part I: Special Guest Speaker, Dr. Talithia Williams, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College, ACE Fellow:
You are the Solution to Faculty Diversity: Real Talk About Preparation and Readiness.

Read the PROMISE post about Dr. Williams.
Part II: Round Tables with Faculty: Faculty Diversity: Preparing for Faculty Positions in the USM and Beyond.
Moderator: Dr. Autumn Reed, Director of STRIDE, and Program Coordinator for Faculty Diversity Initiatives, Office of the Provost, UMBC
Faculty will lead round tables. Several of the faculty will be providing advice for submitting strong applications for current or upcoming faculty searches:
- Dr. Anita Komlodi, Department of Information Systems, UMBC
- Dr. Jane Turner, Department of Physics, UMBC
- Dr. Kevin Omland, Department of Biological Sciences, UMBC STRIDE Professor
- Dr. Ronald Metoyer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Assistant Dean of Diversity and Special Initiatives
- Dr. Mark Lewis, School of Operations Research and Information Engineering, Cornell University, Associate Dean for Diversity and Faculty Development
- Dr. Tyson King-Meadows (invited), Co-Chair of the Executive Committee on the Recruitment Retention and Advancement of Underrepresented Minority Faculty, Associate Professor of Political Science and Affiliate Faculty in the departments of Public Policy and Africana Studies, the Honors College and the Maryland Institute for Policy Analysis and Research.
- Dr. Chris Murphy (invited), Chair, Department of Psychology, UMBC STRIDE Professor
For more information on applying for faculty positions, and preparing competitive applications, read the “Operation Flood the Gates” post by the PROMISE Director.
Photo: Dr. Tyson King-Meadows, Co-Chair of the Executive Committee on the Recruitment Retention and Advancement of Underrepresented Minority Faculty at UMBC, works with students at UMBC. Photo credit: http://news.umbc.edu/
Posted: February 10, 2016, 1:30 PM