Spring 2016 University System of Maryland PROMISE AGEP Research Symposium & Professional Development Conference: Fri. Feb. 12, 2016
PROMISE AGEP: Maryland Transformation is pleased to invite you to attend and participate in the 2016 University System of Maryland PROMISE AGEP Research Symposium and Professional Development Conference. This conference replaces the former PROMISE Research Symposium, and adds a professional development component that will prepare graduate students and postdoctoral fellows for faculty positions in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM, which includes social sciences) disciplines. This conference seeks to provide a venue that will allow students to present their work at any stage, receive feedback in preparation for presenting at larger venues, and provide training that will prepare participants for faculty careers.
This page will serve as the official webpage for the event. Please stay tuned for updates.
Date: Friday, February 12, 2016
Time: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Location: Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center (http://www.riggs.umd.edu/) at the University of Maryland College Park (Parking, Directions, Additional Driving Directions to College Park)
Registration: Free (includes meals)
Attire: Business Casual
This conference will feature STEM-based oral presentations, posters, and professional development seminars. Participants are invited to submit abstracts to participate in three oral categories, and one poster category.
Oral Category 1: Traditional Research Presentations
[7 minutes presentation, 3 minutes critique, 2 minutes of questions, traditional PowerPoint presentation]
Oral Category 2: TED-Styled Talks
[5 minute talks + 5 minutes for critique/questions, PowerPoint presentation with images only – no text]
Oral Category 3: Lightning Round Talks
[2 minute talks with timer on the screen, no PowerPoints, no critique.]
- Presentation slots are limited to graduate students within the University System of Maryland.
- A custom webpage will be designed for each presenter. The presenter’s website will include a photo, bio, abstract, synopsis of research, and list of other relevant publications or presentations as applicable. Students who participated in 2014 and 2015 can update their current pages.
- Postdocs from universities and organizations outside of the University System of Maryland can participate as mentors and judges for poster sessions.
- All graduate students and postdocs are invited to participate as audience members and attend the professional development workshops.
- Faculty from within the USM are invited to serve as judges to provide constructive feedback.
Join us! Registration is free.

PROMISE AGEP Research Symposium
& Professional Development Conference
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM – Arrival, Breakfast Refreshments, Registration, Poster Set-Up
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM – Opening Remarks Traditional Oral Research Presentations
- College Park Welcome and Remarks: Dr. Charles Caramello, UMD
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, Dean of the Graduate School, Co-Principal Investigator PROMISE AGEP - USM PROMISE AGEP Welcome: Dr. Renetta Tull, UMBC Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Student Development and Postdoctoral Affairs, and PROMISE AGEP Director for the University System of Maryland
Traditional Oral Research Presentations
Chair: Kelly Brooke Yancey, Ph.D. – Postdoc, Department of
Mathematics, UMD
- Felix Buabeng, UMES, Food and Agricultural Sciences
- Christopher Mullen, UMBC, Mechanical Engineering
- Marwa El-Sayed, UMBC, Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering
- Ikenna Okafor, UMBC, Biological Sciences
- Erica Dasi, UMBC, Biological Sciences
1. Alexis Williams, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Research Associate in
Program Coordination – TLTC
2. Mohan Tulapurkar, Research Associate in the Division of
Pulmonary and Critical Care
3. Elizaveta Katorcha, Ph.D. – Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for
Biomedical Engineering and Technology University of Maryland
4. Douglas Julin, Ph.D. – Associate Professor, CMNS-Chemistry
and Biochemistry
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM – Networking Break
10:45 AM – 11:15 AM – “TED-Styled” Talks
Chair: Alexis Williams, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Program Coordination – TLTC
- Isaac Mativo, UMBC, Computer Science
- Antoinette Emefa Attipoe, Bowie, Computer Science
- William Rivera, UMBC, Mechanical Engineering
1. Linda Macri, Ph.D. – Director, GS Writing Initiatives, UMD
2. Rohan Tikekar, Ph.D. – Associate Professor, AGNR-Nutrition
and Food Science, UMD
3. Jasjeet Bhullar, Ph.D. – Postdoctoral Fellow, University of
Maryland School of Medicine
11:15 AM – 12:00 Noon – Lightning Round Talks
- Timothy Brown, UMBC, Mathematics and Statistics
- Kevin Chang, UMBC, Mechanical Engineering
- Oliver Ortiz, UMD, Aerospace Engineering
- Abdullah Ali, UMBC, Human Centered Computing
12:00 PM – Buffet Lunch Mentoring Discussions
(Postdoctoral fellows and faculty are invited to engage in mentoring conversations with the students.)
12:45 – 1:30 PM – Poster Session and Dessert Reception
- Tia Dolet, UMD, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership
- Felix Buabeng, UMES, Food and Agricultural Sciences
- Laina Locket, Towson, Environmental Science
1. Kasso Okoudjou, Ph.D. – Professor, CMNS-Mathematics, UMD
2. Tara LeGates, Ph.D. – Postdoctoral Fellow Thompson Lab,
University of Maryland School of Medicine
3. Sheryl Ehrman, Ph.D., P.E. – Keystone Professor and Chair,
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, UMD
4. Birthe Veno Kjellerup, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor, ENGR-Civil
and Environmental Engineering
1:30 – 3:30 PM – Professional Development Workshop: Faculty Diversity and You.
Welcoming Remarks: Dr. Nancy Shapiro, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the University System of Maryland, Chair of the William E. Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation.
Part I: Special Guest Speaker, Dr. Talithia Williams, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College, ACE Fellow: You are the Solution to Faculty Diversity: Real Talk About Preparation and Readiness.
Read the PROMISE post about Dr. Williams:
Part II: Round Tables with USM Faculty: Faculty Diversity: Preparing for Faculty Positions in the USM and Beyond.
Moderator: Dr. Autumn Reed, Director of STRIDE, and Program Coordinator for Faculty Diversity Initiatives, Office of the Provost, UMBC
Faculty will lead round tables. Several of the faculty will be providing advice for submitting strong applications for current or upcoming faculty searches:
- Dr. Anita Komlodi, Department of Information Systems
- Dr. Jane Turner, Department of Physics
- Dr. Kevin Omland, Department of Biological Sciences, UMBC STRIDE Professor
- Dr. Ronald Metoyer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Assistant Dean of Diversity and Special Initiatives
- Dr. Mark Lewis, School of Operations Research and Information Engineering, Cornell University, Associate Dean for Diversity and Faculty Development
- Dr. Tyson King-Meadows (invited), Co-Chair of the Executive Committee on the Recruitment Retention and Advancement of Underrepresented Minority Faculty Associate Professor of Political Science and Affiliate Faculty in the departments of Public Policy and Africana Studies, the Honors College and the Maryland Institute for Policy Analysis and Research.
- Dr. Chris Murphy (invited), Chair, Department of Psychology, UMBC STRIDE Professor
For additional information about the 1:30 – 3:30 portion of the program, see:
Faculty Diversity and You. Fri. Feb. 12, 2016, 1:30 PM #ThinkBigDiversity
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM – Closing Reception & Awards Ceremony
Registration includes all program components and meals.
Click below; registration is free.
Call for Presentations
If you are interested in presenting, please follow the schedule below:
December 31, 2016: “Letter of Intent” to present. This very short email should include name, school, department, choice of oral category (1, 2, 3) or poster, and potential title of your presentation. Email to promisestaff@gmail.com with the title, “2016 PROMISE Research Symposium – Intent to Present.”
“TED-Styled” and “Lightning Round” titles must be tailored to appeal to a general audience.
January 22, 2016, Deadline for “Intent to Present” emails for Lightening Round and Poster Presentations only. Everyone who expressed an “Intent to Present” as of Dec. 31, 2015, will be in line for the presentation style of their choice. Those who did not specify a category will be given a space for a poster. All of the slots in the “Traditional Presentation” Category #1, and the “TED-Styled Talk” Category #2, are taken, and we will not accept any more requests for those categories. We have some slots remaining in the “Lightning Round” Category #3, and we have slots remaining for posters.
January 31, 2016: Abstracts and the information below are required for all presentations types. Email all materials from all four categories below to promisestaff@gmail.com, with the subject: “2016 PROMISE Research Symposium Presenter Information.”
- Formal Abstract (250 words or less). Biographical Sketch (250 words or less)
- Font: 12 Point, Times New Roman
- Heading, Left-justified:
- Title (Bold)
- Name (Italicized)
- Department (No abbreviations)
- University (No abbreviations)
- General Summary of Graduate Research (250 words or less)
- High Quality Photograph
- Numbered List of up to 5 publications and or/presentations. Please give precedence to publications and conference proceedings as applicable.
All presenters must register. Click and register by clicking the orange button below.
Posted: December 10, 2015, 4:45 PM