UMBC BD Assignments for Fall 2015 - Spring 2016
As a BD Fellow at UMBC, you must participate in several professional development activities, but among the most important are those events that prepare you for research dissemination. Here are four that need your concentration for 2015-2016.
The training seminar was held this morning. Complete the NSF GRFP assignment:
2. The PROMISE AGEP Research Symposium
Coming: February 12, 2016
1) NEW students may submit a poster
2) Second-year students must submit an oral presentation
3. The UMBC Graduate Student Research Conference (GRC)
Coming: March 2016, watch the GSA website:
1) NEW students may submit a poster
2) Second-year students must submit an oral presentation
4. Writing assignment:
All BDs should plan to have something submitted for publication by May 2015.
This can be a co-authored conference paper or journal article.
Notes from the Spring 2015 Publishing seminar:
There will be other seminars throughout the year. Each of these assignments must be connected to your current UMBC research or upcoming UMBC research where you are connected a member of the faculty in the department. These assignments may NOT be connected to your undergraduate research, and they can NOT be connected to an internship. They MUST be connected to a research that is being conducted at UMBC in your academic department, with a tenure-track faculty member in your department.
If you were excused from a seminar, you will have to get notes and shared information from 3 other BD Fellows, and you will have to research some other sources to supplement the notes that were shared. You must provide at least 3 good sources and provide the links from these valid, reputable sources as a means of sharing information that you've found. Write at least two paragraphs on what you've learned from the notes, what you've learned from conversing with your peers about the topic, and what you've learned from your own research on the topic. Reference the peers (Fellow BDs) who shared information with you - provide their names and departments in your references. Post your summary on the PROMISE AGEP website (main wordpress site, not MyUMBC) for the appropriate seminar.
Posted: September 12, 2015, 4:28 PM