Join us for the SREB (@SREBDocSch) conference, Marriott Crystal Gateway, VA, Oct. 29 – Nov. 1 #ThinkBigDiversity
It’s that time again! SREB! Participants in PROMISE attend the Southern Regional Education Board’s Compact for Faculty Diversity/Institute for Teaching and Mentoring every year. We’ve traveled together to Atlanta and Tampa, and this year, we’re going to be in Virginia. The website for “The Compact” is here: We repeat what we said last year, “If you went to the PROMISE SSI this year, think of The Compact as quadrupled!” You will join nearly 1000 early career faculty, postdocs, and graduate students from around the U.S. at the conference. In order to go, you need to be nominated by the PROMISE AGEP. Read some of our former posts for the SREB conference from 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 here.
YOU have a chance to go with us to Virginia, all-expenses paid – includes lodging. The invitation is for early career faculty (for the Faculty Diversity Research Mentoring Institute), and graduate students, but PROMISE must nominate you. You cannot nominate yourself. We will take as many people as we can, depending on funding. One year, we had so many great responses that we received additional funding and we took 30 people!
Here are some facts about the conference:
- This is the 22nd Institute on TEACHING AND MENTORING/Compact for Faculty Diversity, October 29-November 1, 2015, Marriott Crystal Gateway, Arlington, VA. We tend to refer to this conference as “SREB.”
- GRADUATE STUDENTS: Scholars nominated to attend the Institute should ONLY be individuals who have an expressed interest in pursuing a career as faculty in a college or university (any postsecondary institution.) All of the sessions at the Institute will focus on topics and issues related to teaching at the postsecondary level. Consequently, scholars who are not interested in becoming a member of the faculty at the postsecondary level will not benefit from attending this Institute.
- POSTDOCS and EARLY CAREER FACULTY: The PROMISE AGEP is a partner with SREB in the activities for the National Research Mentoring Network Faculty and postdocs should be in the biomedical sciences. We have the opportunity to nominate participants from all over the country, including our alumni and colleagues from other schools outside of Maryland.
- Nominated graduate student and additional postdoctoral scholars must be minority or underserved STEM majors enrolled in Ph.D. program. SREB will not accept nominations from students. (We will consider select masters students who are on track for Ph.D. programs. Note that Social Sciences are part of the “Science” in STEM.)
- The conference will be in Virginia. Hotel rooms will be available at no cost to you. Single rooms will not be available for scholars. Students will be placed in double rooms.
- We will be nominating graduate students who participate in the PROMISE: AGEP-T. This means that you must be a graduate student at one of the institutions within the University System of Maryland. If you are interested, you must show evidence of participation in a PROMISE AGEP event prior to September 14, 2015.
Write a comment to this post (below) with the following information (do not send this information via email. If this information is received via email, without being posted below, your application will not count.) You may use last year’s page entries as a reference:
Please follow this order:
b) INSTITUTION & DEPARTMENT: Please state your university & department (no abbreviations). You must be a graduate, postdoc, or early career faculty member in a STEM field from one of the universities listed here: Include the link for your department and your laboratory.
c) WEBSITE: Provide at least one link for your professional website. If you have more than one, you may provide up to three links, e.g., LinkedIn, department website. If you don’t have a professional website, please create one.
d) MILESTONE DATES: Students: Planned year of graduation for your PhD. Postdocs: Planned year for starting a faculty position. Faculty: Planned year of 3rd year review.
e) ASPIRATIONS: Students and postdocs: One paragraph that describes the reason why you want to be a professor; include your research interests and how you will contribute to research in your field. Faculty: One paragraph that describes your research program.
f) PROMISE PARTICIPATION: Which PROMISE events have you attended, and what have you learned?
g) SREB HISTORY: If you’ve been “The Compact” in the past, what did you learn?
h) TWITTER: If you have a Twitter account, please write a 140 character tweet with the name of one of your STEM faculty aspirants or mentors. Please include @PROMISE_AGEP, @SREBDocSch, and the hashtag #ThinkBigDiversity. If you don’t have a Twitter account, we encourage you to create one to participate in professional social media conversations. You will be contributing to this feed.
Once you apply using this format, send an email to with the subject “SREB 2015 application, now online” so that we will have your email logged in our database for this event.

This is the AGEP group photo of scholars from around the country, at the 2014 conference in Atlanta. Approximately 20 are from PROMISE.
Posted: August 22, 2015, 6:56 AM