Graduate Students' voice in the financial conversation
The Council of Graduate Schools wants to hear from UMBC
Dear Graduate Students at UMBC,
The Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) is working with universities across the country to learn more about the financial needs of graduate students. We're asking all graduate students, including those who are working full-time, to participate in this conversation by completing a survey.
We launched the survey in April, but CGS is allowing us to offer a BONUS ROUND for the "Survey of Financial Standing" for those graduate students who did not complete the survey last month. We have winners for the initial round: $500 in prizes! For this BONUS ROUND, There will be three additional prizes of $50 gift cards! *ALL* graduate students from all disciplines are eligible, including both part-time and full-time students.
The following information was sent to all graduate students on May 7th:
The Graduate School is administering the CGS Survey of Financial Standing, so that UMBC and graduate schools around the country can understand, and better serve, graduate students' financial needs. If you did not take the survey in April 2014, please click:
This survey is part of the Enhancing Student Financial Education project, which is being conducted by the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS), a non-profit organization based in Washington, DC dedicated solely to the advancement of graduate education and research, with a grant from TIAA-CREF. The goal of the project is to provide best practices to universities to help them improve financial education, and we would like to hear about the financial circumstances you face as a graduate student. Participation in this survey is voluntary. All responses will remain confidential and be used only for research purposes. Responses from across the U.S. will be aggregated, and the resultant findings will be available in 2015. We anticipate the emergence of many good recommendations for universities nationwide, and we hope that we can count on your response.
Please click
to begin the survey. * Participants who take the survey by May 9th will be entered into the drawing for a chance to win a gift card worth $50. We will choose three winners.
Congratulations to our April winners:
Thank you in advance for participating in this BONUS ROUND!
Renetta Garrison Tull, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Student Development and Postdoctoral Affairs,
Director, PROMISE: Maryland's Alliance for Graduate Education & the Professoriate (AGEP)
The Graduate School at UMBC, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250
Office: (410) 455-2930 Email:
Janet C. Rutledge, Ph.D.
Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250
Office: 410-455-2199, Fax: 410-455-1092
Wendy Y. Carter-Veale, Ph.D.
Program Coordinator, The Graduate School at UMBC
1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250
Posted: May 7, 2014, 7:44 PM