New NSF PROMISE AGEP grant funded until 2017! Includes University System of Maryland, CCBC, AACC, and AGMUS
We are very pleased to announce that the University System of Maryland (USM)-Wide AGEP-T grant for PROMISE: Maryland’s Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) grant from the National Science Foundation has been funded! The new “PROMISE AGEP: Maryland Transformation” is a $1,750,000 grant over 3.5 years, effective October 1, 2013 – March 31, 2017. Primary partners are the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC); the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP); and the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB); and all of the campuses within the USM will participate.
Our signature programs will continue with funding for graduate students from USM’s campuses to attend activities such as Dissertation House and Summer Success Institute (SSI). We will also expand programming and mentoring for postdoctoral fellows throughout the system. New activities include the annual graduate student research and careers conference that will build on the recommendations of the Council of Graduate Schools’ report “Pathways Through Graduate School and Into Careers” and an annual conference for undergraduates to learn about opportunities in graduate school. Finally, our Professors in Training (PROF-it) students will have opportunities for mentored teaching experiences at campuses across the USM, Anne Arundel Community College, the Community College of Baltimore County, and the new Ana G. Mendez University Capital Area Campus in Wheaton, MD.
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Posted: September 18, 2013, 9:25 AM