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Henrietta Lacks (HeLa Cells) Symposium w/ “Medical Apartheid” author – March 7, 2013

PROMISE at UMB (University of Maryland – The Founding Campus, downtown Baltimore), invites you to join them for the 2nd  Biennial Henrietta Lacks Symposium: The Dignity of Difference presented by The University of Maryland. From the website: “The event features Harriet Washington, author of Medical Apartheid, and artist (and TED speaker) Rick Guidotti, founder of Positive Exposure, as well as a panel of distinguished academicians.”

Symposium: March 7, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (Doors open at 7:30 am)

Medical Apartheid

LOCATION: Southern Management Corporation Campus Center and University of Maryland School of Nursing

621 W. Lombard St. Baltimore, MD 21201

Directions: http://www.umaryland.edu/smccampuscenter/building/index.html

The main speaker for this event wrote the book: “Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present.” Henrietta Lacks was an African-American woman from Baltimore. Her cells were used, without her knowledge, for cloning, gene mapping, and vaccines. Her story was brought to the forefront by Rebecca Skloot in the book “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.” 


Journalist Sheryl McCarthy talks with Author and Bioethicist Harriet Washington in this video:


Author Rebecca Skloot talks about Henrietta Lacks’ cells and science in this video:


Former PROMISE Peer Mentor, Dr. Jocelyn Reader, postdoctoral fellow at the Greenbaum Cancer Center, will meet us for breakfast at 7:30 AM at UMB prior to the seminar. Our office and representatives from PROMISE at UMB will post any additional information on this thread. Please register for your free ticket, and write a short post below to let us know that you plan to attend.

Our thanks to Dr. Erin Golembewski, Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate School at UMB, organizer of the PROMISE “meet-up” for this event.


PROMISE teachable moments:

All researchers working with human or animal subjects should have CITI certification and be well versed in responsible conduct of research.  Know the rules, maintain ethics, and be a responsible researcher. Don’t ever be swayed by any lure of fame or fortune that will compromise your integrity.

The text content of this post was compiled and written by the staff of PROMISE: Maryland’s AGEP and may not be copied without referencing the PROMISE organization, as “PROMISE: Maryland’s AGEP”.

Creative Commons License
PROMISE AGEP Online Information by PROMISE: Maryland’s AGEP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Posted: February 19, 2013, 5:48 PM