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Today’s September 24th Dissertation House

Today, we dedicate a Dissertation House session to employees.  So many people are leaders in their respective careers, but they haven’t been able to take the time to finish the dissertation. This session is for them. Among them, we will have a couple of graduate students from our tri-campus who received special permission from Dr. Carter to join today’s group. These “experienced” grad students and alums from the other PROMISE Dissertation Houses at UMBC, UMB, UMCP, and Rocky Gap who are finishing their degrees within the next year will be able to provide our employees with motivation and encouragement. We believe that there is strength in numbers, so we are happy to have a full room today.  Today’s participants can enter their blog posts as comments to this message.

Filed under: UMBC Tagged: Employees, UMBC

Posted: September 24, 2010, 7:28 AM