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Funding Opportunities for Graduate Students

The PROMISE Program receives a number of funding and fellowship opportunities to share with students.  The information provided here is a partial list based on a funding workshop that was presented on UMBC’s campus through the Success Seminar series.  Our PROMISE  Career Partners website provides weekly updates for fellowships, internships, and positions.  A search engine is available for that site. (Suggestion:  Add the category, e.g. fellowship, plus the year, e.g., 2012 for the most recent entries.  An entry of fellowship 2012 in the search box will yield all fellowship opportunities with 2012 deadlines or start dates.)


Many fellowships have strict deadlines, and most of them are listed between October and November.  The external fellowships often allow students to apply from all over the country, therefore they need time to review and process applications so that fellowships can be awarded in time for the fall semester. Here are some tips:

  • Pay strict attention to deadlines and submit early.
  • Maintain strong relationships with faculty members since you will probably need strong letters of recommendation from your faculty.
  • Become familiar with the online interface for the fellowship’s website.  Many fellowships now require online submission which include registration procedures and multiple pages of set-up for essays or statements, letters, transcripts, etc.
  • If the deadline has passed for a fellowship that you are interested in, email or call the contact person to inquire about other opportunities with that particular organization, tips for applying next year, or any remaining opportunities for the current year.  Sometimes deadlines are extended but not posted. It’s worth an ask.



  • Fulbright – Fulbright grants are available for international students in graduate school.
  • The Soros Foundations Network – This foundation offers international student scholarships for undergraduate and
    graduate students. Many are restricted to students from specific countries.
  • AAUW – This organization provides fellowships for international graduate students who are women.
  • American Councils for International Education – The councils provide international student grants and fellowships to international students from the former Soviet republics.
  • AMIDEAST – This organization provides grants for international students from the Middle East and North Africa.
  • Cornell University Graduate School Fellowship Notebook – This database contains a list of funding and international student scholarships available to graduate international students.

(This information is re-posted from: http://www.usastudyguide.com/Financial_aid.htm)

The following information was contributed by former PROMISE Peer Mentor  Dr. Frances Carter (M.S. Physics, Ph.D. Public Policy, UMBC) from the September 2010 UMBC Success Seminar on funding, reprinted from the PROMISE intranet page on MyUMBC.

Thanks to everyone who attended yesterdays session on “Graduate Students and Money!” The information was extremely helpful in making sure that we as graduate students are creating bright  financial futures for ourselves as we work on our academic future.  As promised, I am including the fellowship links for your use:


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The text content of this post was compiled and written by the staff of PROMISE: Maryland’s AGEP

and may not be copied without referencing the PROMISE organization, as “PROMISE: Maryland’s AGEP”.

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PROMISE AGEP Online Information by PROMISE: Maryland’s AGEP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Posted: January 9, 2012, 1:52 PM