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PROMISE Alum Dr. LaTese Briggs invites all to “A Celebration of Science” w/World-renowned Scientists, Sept. 9, 2012
Dr. LaTese Briggs invites all to a special opportunity to meet world-renowned scientists on Sept. 9, 2012. Dr. Briggs is a former PROMISE Peer Mentor (Biochemistry/Structural Biology, UMBC),...
Posted: September 4, 2012, 11:06 AM
PROMISE Alum Dr. LaTese Briggs invites all to “A Celebration of Science” w/World-renowned Scientists, Sept. 9, 2012
Dr. LaTese Briggs invites all to a special opportunity to meet world-renowned scientists on Sept. 9, 2012. Dr. Briggs is a former PROMISE Peer Mentor (Biochemistry/Structural Biology, UMBC),...
Posted: September 4, 2012, 11:06 AM